Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I wish the nice people who trimmed my rose bushes for me had not cut them so far down. Now, my once full, fragrant rose bushes are about 20 inches tall.

I wish my parents could be on their mission in Africa right now but still sleep here at night.

I wish Krispy Kreme's were sugar/fat/carb free.

I wish Miss Katie wasn't in a bad mood all the time.

I wish Baby Connor had not had 4 clusters of seizures today.

I wish my toenails were painted pretty.

I wish The Unc could get a lunch pass from the MTC so we could go get sushi.

I wish everyone had a job and could sell their house if they wanted to and for how much they needed to.

I wish it was easy for every couple to have a baby.

I wish Bdog hadn't left at 6 a.m. today.

I wish we had the freedom to travel with him so I wouldn't be frazzled and impatient every night wishing he were here to help and be funny with the kids.

This is going to be a long tour, I can feel it. Either someone overestimated my super powers, or I underestimated the toll touring can take on my sanity.


Kaerlig said...

Can I step in for Connor and get some sushi with you?

Sally DeFord said...

Come to grand junction and we can pamper you here. Granted, we live in a small house and it's not a spa, but there would be a lot of love, food and music.

LTD in Las Vegas said...

Wish I could paint your toenails and make them bling...that is the only thing i could do with that list..ditto to many (;

Jessica said...

I hate it when the hubs are gone. Hugs.