Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It's me. I'm the uncool one. I just can't get with the trendy clothes today. I'm old. I'm stuck in the 90's. Every day I have one of three styles: slightly skater, slightly hippie, or very SAHM. I can't branch out. I reject the 80's revival. Some people look great in skinny jeans, some people can pull off the Wham/Duran Duran/Go-Go's retro look. I'm just not one of them. Here is a photo of a devoted Neon Trees fan. I just can't get over her get-up. I guess I'm uncool.


Kaerlig said...

I'm with you Em. I get confused looking at the way kids dress. I go to the store and try to find the same old type of clothes I always wear and I'm having a hard time finding it. I'm uncool. Skinny jeans boo!

Shenay said...

Amen. I put a lot of effort into NOT looking 80's, especially b/c my hair tends to be poofy.

LTD in Las Vegas said...

Em, didn't you ever see the oprah showing the RIGHT jeans to where? NO ONE...NO ONE...looks good in the zippered leg jeans. I promise I will be the last person NOT wearing those hard was it to stand up and always have to pull down your tight pant legs when they were stuck around calves. YUCK!

LTD in Las Vegas said...

I can't believe I used to teach 2nd grade...sorry WEAR not WHERE! DUH!